

Defrost detect temperature differential..  Temperature differential of coil refrigerant temperature above discharge air temperature that indicates defrost. 

This configuration property provides the value for detecting a defrost in a controlled case. If the coil outlet refrigerant temperature rises above the discharge air temperature by this value, then the case is assumed to have gone into a defrost. If the value is set to zero, this feature is disabled. This feature is typically used when hot-gas or electric defrost is controlled externally from the controller, and allows the controller to determine when to switch off the fans.


Resource Set: Standard 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-0
Index: 225
Obsolete: no
Size: 2
Programmatic Name: SCPTdefrostDetect
Minimum: 0,00
Maximum: 50,00
Default: 0,00
Neuron C Type:

SCPTdefrostDetect#SI:  text("%f", *1+0(0:854))

SCPTdefrostDetect#US:  text("%f", *1.8+0(0:855))